I’m committed to this campaign, and I’m ready to work hard. But I can’t do it alone.
Here’s how you can help.
Join Our E-mail List
The easiest way to help out is to join our e-mail list.
I’ll share updates about the campaign and let you know about upcoming events. I’ll also discuss issues facing the district and the town, and let you know where I stand on them.
And ultimately you can help by sharing these updates on social media – because what I need more than anything else is to get my name and ideas out in front of as many West Orange voters as possible.
Fill out this form to leave your email address.

Share Social Media Content
Throughout the campaign, our main goal is to connect with voters. But there’s only so much time in the day, and I can’t possibly reach them all myself.
We need volunteers to help spread the word – to share our message on social media, to staff events, and to talk with your friends and neighbors.
Make sure to follow me on Facebook. Share something from there – or share a page from this website.
Host a Meet and Greet
If you’re a social butterfly, you can help out by hosting a meet and greet. I love knocking on doors and talking to voters, but it’s even better if we can get them all in the same place at the same time!
Use this form to the right to let us know that you’re interested in helping out.
We’ll be in touch to work out the details.
All of the work we do requires money – to buy campaign literature, to feed people, and to host events. So the biggest thing you can do to help move this campaign forward is to make a contribution.
You can use this link to make a contribution online using a credit card via PayPal.
You can also mail checks, payable to “Brian Rock for West Orange Board of Education” to 63 Rock Spring Ave in West Orange.
You can also attend one of our events and make a donation in person.